Change your reading ways
This new eReader by Barnes & Noble is going to change the way we buy and read books, change they way we read and browse through magazines and change the way we buy and read newspapers. The Nook and other eReaders like Kindle, Cool-er and Sony will change the way students study and take notes, even change the way we read and present publicly.
H Songhai
Nook: Barnes & Noble eReader
H Songhai
Nook: Barnes & Noble eReader
At October 23, 2009 4:14 PM, sharper said…
SLick little tool Song..
At December 04, 2009 12:51 AM, usb speicher said…
Very interesting and Excellent thoughts! I agree that cross platform is one of the biggest needs out there right now in reading.
Learning how to condition your mind to develop this capability is a bit complex for me to explain, but the resource available at UltimateBrainPower.Net does a very good job taking you step by step to accomplish this.
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