Songhai Concepts

Media Literacy/Digital Archiving Instructor

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Books, books, we got books!

In keeping with the spirit of the paperless classroom, all my Media Literacy students were asked to create a digital book library in Google Book Search. The students were asked to add nine books to their libraries - three fiction, three non-fiction and three random subject books.

I've been aware of Google Book Search for long over a year now, but I never dropped in nor took the time to see what it was all about. It is pretty impressive. There are a broad range of books available for partial and full reading on a multitude of topics. Books can easily be imported and exported. You also can even subscribe to an infinite number of library feeds. In just this last week, I've added 66 books to my library. I know that number will grow over time. Just hope I have enough time to read them all.

Below are two screenshots of my students' libraries. What do you think about their tastes in books?

Click the image for larger view

H. Songhai

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